European Trauma Course – ETC Finland

European Trauma Course (ETC) is organized by Finnish Trauma Association in co-operation with European Resuscitation Council.
ETC is an innovative course which emphasizes the team approach in the management of the seriously injured. It is aimed at doctors who are expected to lead and be members of trauma teams in their work set-up.
The course is mainly ‘hands on’ and runs over 2½ days. During the first 2 days various topics related to Trauma Resuscitation will be taught. Throughout the course candidates will actively participate in skill stations, workshops and scenario based teaching – all of which reflect current European practice. During these scenarios candidates will have the opportunity to participate both as team leaders and team members on many occasions. Participants are expected to be familiar with Basic and Advanced Life Support and to have read the pre-course manual. On the third day there will be final practice workshops and assessments in the form of scenarios where the candidates are expected to show solid team leadership skills. Only successful candidates will be given certificates.
Most of the faculty is Finnish and consists of experienced doctors from various subspecialities (traumasurgery, anesthesiology, neurosurgery, emergency medicine). Course language is English.
Due to COVID-19-pandemic, only one of the four planned ETC-courses was held in Finland in 2020.
In 2021 three ETC-courses were organized in Finland.
In 2022 four ETC-courses are planned to be organized in Finland:
ETC Turku 12.-14.1.2022
ETC Joensuu 1.-3.6.2022
ETC Rovaniemi 7.-9.9.2022
ETC Kuopio 9.-11.11.2022
Due to national restrictions caused by COVID-19-pandemic, only Finnish participants can take part in 2021 courses in Finland. The possibility of taking international candidates will depend on the pandemic and national restrictions in 2022.