Finnish Trauma Association

Aims of the society

The Finnish Trauma Association is committed to fostering and enhancing the knowledge, skills, and principles in traumatology among surgeons and doctors across all specialties in Finland. Through meetings, courses, and the facilitation of research and educational initiatives, our society endeavors to elevate the standard of traumatology practice in Finland. The Association also provides annual travel grants, enabling visits to esteemed trauma surgery units and participation in international training programs. This initiative is designed to empower Finnish doctors in acquiring advanced skills and expertise in trauma surgery. The Association also awards grants for the best publications and dissertations in the field of traumatology to promote research and evidence-based medicine practices in traumatology.


– Founding year 1997, officially registered in 2000.
– Founding members: Eero Hirvensalo, Seppo Honkonen, Pentti Kallio, Jan Lindahl, Erkki Tukiainen and Kimmo Vihtonen.
– During the 1990´s it had become obvious that also in Finland there was a major need for dedicated trauma orthopaedic surgeons to lead the treatment of polytrauma patients, to take care of the complex fractures and to supervise the management of simple fractures as well. The intention of the founding members was to build up a society for emphasizing the traumatologic knowledge, skills and attitude in Finland.

Membership and development throughout the years

In the beginning new members were invited to the society according to the recommendations by members. Trauma-dedicated surgeons from the main hospitals in Finland gradually comprised an active society. Later on, the membership was opened and our new contemporary rules state, that a member has to be a licensed doctor; no recommendations are needed. There also are no limitations of certain medical specialities and registrars are welcome as well. The number of members has steadily increased over the years. In March 2024, the society counted 209 members, all licensed doctors interested in traumatology, representing a wide range of specialties. Both registrars and specialists have found value in being part of our dynamic community.

After the first few starting years the society reached a sufficient number of actively working members. The real takeoff of the society was the first National Trauma Course in Helsinki 2004. Along with the annual Trauma Courses the finances of the society were stabilized and further activities could have been planned. When subsequent courses have been consecutively arranged in all other University Hospitals in Finland (Oulu, Tampere, Turku, Kuopio) and in the cities of central hospitals, the society has deserved nationwide reliability and acceptance.

In a significant milestone, the Finnish Trauma Association attained institutional membership in ESTES in 2010, thereby unveiling vital opportunities for collaboration and fostering international connections for our society and its members.

Yearly recurring activities

The National Trauma Congress: annual educational three-day gathering with scientific program including both general trauma and orthopaedic trauma topics

The National Traumamaster Course: annual ”experts meet experts” –type of two-day meeting, with 20-30 invited dedicated trauma surgeons from the major hospitals around Finland for collaborative learning and relationship building

European Trauma Course (ETC): standardized three-day trauma simulation and Life Support course, currently organized four to five times a year and highly popular among participants 

Definitive Surgical Trauma Care (DSTC) & Definitive Anaesthetic Trauma Care (DATC): standardized three-day hands-on traumasurgical course, organized one to two times a year

Podcast: The first podcast on traumatology topics organized by a Finnish surgical association was launched in the fall of 2024. The podcast is intended for all Finnish healthcare professionals interested in traumatology. It has gained significant popularity in a short time following its launch.



Dr Lauri Halonen

Secretary of the board
Dr Veera Räsänen

Communications and webmaster
Dr Veera Räsänen

Educational activities

Contact for ETC Finland
Dr Ville Vänni

Contact for DSTC Finland

Dr Lauri Handolin

Membership applications

Grant applications